Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Your Professor Is Watching...


Although it may take me a couple days to get around to it, know that I am looking at your posts and comments. I say this not as a surveilling Sovereign, but to encourage you to keep up on your own comments/posts, on each others comments/posts, and on my occasional responses. That is, you need to defend your positions, or concede defeat, or admit a change of perspective when you post and your commentators respond with a rebuttal. Likewise, you should continue to check old posts for new comments, as they may say something totally bonkers which would give you ready and easy fodder for a damning response. Or--as happened this evening, with my response to the Locke-slavery debate--I might respond to a discussion and ask that both those previous commentators/posters and the rest of you continue the discussion while considering additional information, problems, etc. Or--as also happened this evening, with my response to a comment on Rousseau v. Hobbes--I may choose a comment/post as an example of things you all should consider when penning your comments/posts.

While I will try to keep myself out of your discussions (as I want this blog to be a self-regulating Commonwealth, in which Sovereignty is collective), I may still step in from time to time. But the point is that you should keep yourself appraised of posts and comments as they appear. (In this regard, it helps to have Blogger notify you whenever there is a new post or comment. The option is easily activated in the blog settings.)



1 comment:

  1. I find it amusing that you said here you will try to keep yourself out of the discussion, but then you went and got yourself banned from the blog by Mary.


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