Tuesday, October 6, 2009



First, for those who don't know, "NB" means "nota bene."

Second, for those who don't know, "nota bene" means something like "take heed."

Third, it has been a delight to read your posts and comments.

Fourth, which is the real reason for this post--i.e., this is the part that you are supposed to heed--midsemester grades are coming up. (That is, regardless of whether the college requires me to submit them for sophomores, I will calculate them after the midterm.) Although all of my students should be very aware of their grades in my classes, insofar as my expectations are clearly stated, nevertheless I always seem to get those kids who look at the grade and suddenly start stuttering frantically, "But... I... How... Wait... Huh?" In an attempt to forestall this--and in the interests of the Sisyphusian task of trying to be as clear as crystal--allow me to remind you of the participation portion of your grade. Some of you talk in class, some come to office hours, some in combination, some none of the above. You know who you are and where you stand, so you should be aware of your participation grade in that respect. Related to this is the blog. The assignment--read: the average expected of all students--is one post and four comments prior to the midterm, and likewise prior to the final. Therefore, if you do the average, you should expect an average grade. If you would like to avoid this--read: get a better grade--then keep following the blog and keep saying stuff when stuff interests you. Further, although the blog does not substitute for classroom dialogue, if you have hitherto been a wall-fly and would like to jumpstart your participation grade a bit, get more involved on the blog. Your overall participation will be a combination of these different elements (save office hours, of course; I will not penalize anyone for failing to attend, but merely shore up the participation of those who choose to do so), so you can make up some lost ground via other means.

The Hegel reading will be posted on the blog in my next moments. It is very short, so please read it thoroughly. Solomon should provide the rest.

Incidentally, since I am moving correspondence to the blog, it seems easier to move all readings and links here as well. That way the blog (hopefully) can become a one-stop shop. Like Wal-Mart. But without the eating puppies thing.



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