Saturday, October 17, 2009

Midterm Essay - Part 1/3

This is the First Post of the Midterm Assignment; make sure you read all three before you start writing anything.

In the next two posts you will find two different questions. Please choose ONE of them. Write your response in a word document. When you have finished, copy and paste it into the body of an email AND attach the document to the email. Please have your responses completed by 12.30 PM on WEDNESDAY. (I took an extra day to get the question to you, so I gave you an extra day. I do believe in procedural justice.)

New or old to philosophy and to my class, please read the following brief points which pertain to philosophy writing generally AND to this assignment particularly: (1) These are both big questions. Be thorough, but realistic: don't try to be exhaustive. Write what is relevant, skip what is not. Avoid florid prose and get to the point. (2) You need not worry about backing up your points with the texts; so long as your analysis is sound and your point clear, you may summarize the course materials as you would for an in-class test. I.e., you are not required to provide the same textual evidence you would need in a formal paper, though you may feel free to use the texts if you wish. It certainly cannot hurt. (3) Philosophy is not opinion. Strawmen are not philosophers. Make sure that you are dealing with the thinkers and their systems according to their texts, not your thoughts on their systems according to your prejudices. This isn't about what you thinkfeelbelieve, but about your ability to digest philosophical systems such that you can apply them to entirely foreign examples. (4) Don't freak out. The questions look bigger than they are, and I have provided ridiculously extensive guidelines. Enjoy your topic rather than fretting about it, and I guarantee your grade will reflect your enthusiasm. After all, people are always saying that philosophy isn't relevant or useful, that it is removed from life. Prove them wrong.

Have a good break. Bring me back some home-cooked foodz.


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