Saturday, October 10, 2009

Calendar Updates and Bad Habits


Apparently I am retarded. Luckily Mary enjoys telling me as much.

I made two mistakes on the calendar around Fall Break. First, the date marked "Oct 10" was meant to be Oct 20. Second, apparently we do not have class on 20 October, due to Fall Break. Ergo, the following changes are now being implemented to get us back on track.

1. All readings, and therefore all precis assignments, are being pushed back a day (as we have one less day during the semester than expected). Thus, for example, Rachel (who is assigned 22 October for her precis) will now be doing hers on Marx, not Darwin.

2. Mary's precis will now be moved to join Jessie for the "Contemporary Readings" section of the course near the end of the semester (8 December; remember that Spencer will now be covering the second day of Arendt on 3 December). These readings are TBA, as they actual deal with a few things that are changing in our legislature right now.

3. Although we are behind, as stated previously and repeatedly this was planned. Therefore, you should be caught up on the reading for the day, given that if we were following the stated assignment calendar we would be through Hegel. In other words, do not mistake being behind in the schedule as justifying being behind in the readings. (In other words, do not mistake my benevolence hitherto as given; I am just as capable of pop quizzes as the next professor, and I do take note of those of you who seem ill- or un-prepared for class discussion.)

I can has and will use spray bottle.


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