Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reminder: Hegel and Marx


This is a reminder to make sure that you read Hegel before next class. In spite of what you may think due to prior classes, propagandist misconceptions, conservative pundits, etc., Marx is just like any other thinker we have read this semester insofar as his political theory and economy is based upon an entire metaphysical conception of the world. Marx's ideas stem directly from Hegel, particularly the Lordship and Bondage passage (which we read). In other words, Marx does not make much sense without Hegel. We will have to move quickly through Marx so that we don't fall further behind. Therefore I will have to assume familiarity with the Hegel and Marx readings for discussion on Thursday.

I will send the link for the reading from Marx shortly. It will be relatively short. Solomon provides an adequate summary of what is going on in Marx, so I'm hoping that by limiting the source materials everyone will come to class prepared.



(Uncle Karl would be more convincing with a cat in his beard, no?)

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