Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Class Tomorrow


Here is the plan for class tomorrow. First, Steven and Lindsay will lead everyone through their joint precis. Second, I want the discussion to center around the list of terms I provided in my previous blog post. Third, I want you to be prepared with a class consensus on the meanings and importance of the terms insofar as Nietzsche uses them. Therefore, before you begin discussing them please elect a person to act as secretary for the discussion. There are obviously more and less important terms in that list, as well as some we have covered. So although I expect lively discussion (it is Nietzsche, after all), don't get bogged down with minutiae. The purpose of the exercise is to get you to be fluent with this text's technical vocabulary, which in part entails recognizing the relative purchase of any given term for the ideas presented overall.

On Tuesday we will finish Nietzsche, although make sure you get through the Solomon section on the calendar. I will be out of touch for most of the weekend, so don't be surprised if I don't respond to emails and whatnot in that time.



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