Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Have A Cat In My Beard. Your Argument Is Invalid.

Some of you may have heard (either from me or elsewhere) the term "Strawman" in reference to argument or debate. It is worth relating, as it is a common issue in philosophy. Imagine military weapons training with something like a sword. You might learn to thrust and slash on a dummy made of straw prior to sparring with a live opponent. The former is obviously a facsimile of the latter: made in the latter's image, but without any of its true characteristics. It would be much easier to defeat your strawman opponent than to fight against that which it represents.

This is the meaning of a strawman argument. Instead of going after the thinker, you present a doppleganger of the thinker and then take that apart. This works very well for politicians, pundits, and in many other venues, and makes a person seem (and feel) like they know what they are talking about. However, it is anathema to philosophy.


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