Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thursday's Class


First, correct me if I am wrong, but Steven and Lindsay have been assigned to do their precis on Tuesday and Thursday, respectively, on Nietzsche. I am going to make a change to this schedule. Since I will not be here on Thursday (as I have to go to a conference in DC), I am going to ask that each of you work together on Thursday's precis. This means that you will both write it (you will still divide the sections as previously stated; i.e., Steven will take everything up through Essay II, and Lindsay will take Essays II and III), and that you will both be prepared to lead class as normally expected in such circumstances. However, I want you both to collaborate in two ways: First, I want you both to contribute to the summary of Tuesday's class, to ensure that you clearly and adequately summarize the discussion; Second, I want you both to collaborate on your sections of the precis, in order to make sure you are on the same page. In other words, although I will expect the same amount of work from each of you as if these were separate isolated days, nevertheless I want you to work together in order to produce a cohesive product.

Please contact me as soon as possible if you have any questions about this. The basic logistical result is that there will be no precis for Tuesday (so if lightning strikes me you will have to fend for yourselves). Further, it means that you all need to read, and read thoroughly, and read the whole assignment. Nietzsche does not come easily, and you can't take him in slices, and you certainly can't get what you need from a precis (no matter how erudite and brilliant our two presenters may be).



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