Here are two readings for the feminism part of the course. First is a pair of short articles (here and here) which offer (most likely startling) interpretations of Genesis, specifically Adam's "rib" (pictured above, though this one is taken from a raccoon). Yes, I recognize that the latter quotes the former; read both. Second, a reading from de Beauvoir (pictured above, with her boyfriend) can be found here. I may add a few more pages to your reading, but not much. Although the first two texts are relatively simple, a word of caution regarding de Beauvoir: her style is quite lucid and rapid, but there is a lot going on here. Avoid the temptation of racing through it. Try to consider the impact of what she is saying (and why on earth I would have you read this stuff about Adam's "rib" in connection with her).
Just to confirm the discussion we had today: we are headed to the Civil Rights Museum on Monday at 3.30 PM. I know that a few of you will not be able to make it until later, but this seems to be the most auspicious time for the largest number of people and it is free (with a school or TN ID), so in this case we are following Mill's utilitarian calculus. Logistics:
For the majority, we will meet out front of the pub ready to leave by 3.20. For those of you who do not have a car, I have three additional seats (four uncomfortably). Although the majority of you do have cars, I would like us to carpool for a number of reasons, not least of which being to avoid the all-too-American obsession with unnecessary and unreflective waste, as well as encouraging discussion of what will hopefully be a thought-provoking experience. After the museum, for those who are able, I will suggest somewhere (cheap) for dinner. Dinner is not part of the assignment, so feel free to make alternate plans or go hungry.

If you cannot make it that day for some reason, you will need to inform me via email that this is the case, arrange to attend the museum as soon after as you can (as it will be part of class discussion), and notify me via email that you have attended. If you have been to the museum previously, this does not exempt you from going either with us on Monday or sometime soon after.
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